Be Prepared and Honest in Your Next Performance Review and Get The Promotion You Desire

The corporate development career path is never an easy one. However, there are many things you can do to make sure that you are promotion-ready when the opportunity arises. Relooking at your performance reviews, and assessing them with a different attitude will set you on the right path for promotion.
While many of us dread the idea of sitting down with our boss and listening to all they have to say about us. However, it is important that you are better prepared and ready to step up to the corporate development career path, and this is the best way to do it. It is a unique opportunity, and by being prepared and honest you will find you may actually look forward to your next performance review, and not dread it.
Making sure you have a list of questions is important. This way you will be more empowered to meet your boss on an equal footing. You will go from feeling like a victim to feeling like a colleague.
To be even more prepared it is imperative that you set your goals. What do you want from your performance review? What do you need to get out of it so you can advance your career? What gems might you be able to mine, which can used to get that promotion you desire?
Be Upfront and Honest
During the course of your performance review be honest and upfront. Tell your boss that you are looking for a promotion. It might be difficult and you might feel awkward, but your request will be easily accepted if you don’t make it threatening in any way. Instead, talk to your boss like you would a mentor, and ask for advice and tips that you can use and incorporate into your overall plan.
Now your boss may be pressed for time and they themselves may not have the answers you are seeking. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t matter. You can always make another time to meet with them. What is important is that you are openly and honestly stating what you want to better your career.
Are you ready to tell your boss you want a promotion?
Making the statement, “I feel it’s time for me to get promoted”, is not enough. If you say this in a loud manner, and perhaps look angry your boss will begin to feel uncomfortable. If you add, “within two years or I’m leaving,” this very well may backfire on you, and you’ll find yourself packing your things sooner than you planned.
Don’t despair. There is a way of letting your boss know you want a promotion, and ending up with what you want. Always remain respectful and appreciative. Smile, and nod as you explain how long you have been in your current position, and that you want a promotion. Look your boss in the eye, but do it kindly like you might a friend or a family member.
Alternatively, whatever you do, don’t look down or seem evasive. You should feel confident that you do deserve a promotion, but make it clear that you are going to change and work towards it. What you want from your boss is direction and guidance, not their approval.
Smile and ask them, “So, what do you think about this?” They will then be forced to provide you with an answer, albeit tentative.
Review the Deliverables
Once you’ve got the information you require make sure you review the deliverables thoroughly. Treat your performance review as you would any other professional project in which you’d expect tangible deliverables.
Create a clear idea of what you want from your performance review and be honest and upfront with yourself too. Now, is the time to prepare and start being the best person your seniors are looking for to fill that senior positon you so want.
Looking at your performance review in a different light will not only change the experience for you, but will make you feel more empowered and even knowledgeable. With the right kind of goals and preparation, a review with your boss can bring you a few steps closer towards your next promotion.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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