1 1 1 1

Are you really
promotion material?

Fill in this short survey to find out:

  • 1. Have you requested a promotion in the last year?
  • 2. Have you ever been rejected for a promotion?
  • 3. Have you ever been offered a promotion?
  • 4. Has a co-worker at the same level ever been promoted instead of you?
  • 5. Has there ever been a position you applied for and didn’t get?
  • 6. Are you hesitant about asking for a promotion for fear of your boss’s response?
  • 7. Have you ever left an organization because you were passed up for promotion there?
  • 8. Do you know if your work environment values you and your work?
  • 9. Do you think that you deserve a promotion?
  • 10. Do you promote your work and yourself at work?
Get your results directly to your email:
** Please answer all questions **

Get your promotion with these career advancement solutions

Tired of chasing your tail?


Follow these 7 Steps to Career Management and pave the road to your corner office.


But before you begin, a word of caution: do not just “think through” these steps. For maximum effectiveness, write out your answers. Here’s a handy planning sheet you can download. this is my career advancement solutions


Step 1

Decide on your “dream job”. Be as specific as possible: job title, name or type of organization, your salary, etc. The more detailed you are, the more commitment you’ll develop. 


Step 2

Figure what you are ready to sacrifice for your dream: weekend sports? Occasional family dinners? After work drinks with co-workers? Remember that achieving your dream requires some sacrifice. 


Step 3

Figure what you are ready to sacrifice for your dream: weekend sports? Occasional family dinners? After work drinks with co-workers? Remember that achieving your dream requires some sacrifice. a specific date for achieving your dream job - don’t allow for any slacking off.


Step 4

Identify all of the jobs you’ll need to have before reaching your dream job. Determine the specific dates that you’ll be holding these jobs.


Step 5

Determine the date when you should begin your next job.


Step 6

This is the fun part. Imagine yourself in your dream job. What are you doing? How do you feel? How does it affect you? Write it all down.


Step 7

Read out loud what you’ve written in Step 6 twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. Visualize yourself in your dream job.


Working through each step ensures that you take an active part in achieving your dream job. Don’t stay behind with the pack by just wishing that you would be promoted. Make it happen. 


One more very important thing: studies show that the effort expended on achieving a goal is equal to that of dealing with disappointment. For more on this, see my post . What to do when your boss doesn’t think you’re ready for promotion The choice is up to you.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born. and look for career advancement solutions

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Professional Career Goals for Managers: Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions


The New Year’s festivities have come and gone and many of us have returned to work with renewed excitement and optimism for 2016 - great for getting started on those New Year’s Resolutions.


But it’ll take more than just good vibes to keep you going throughout the year. One way of knowing how to measure success at work and towards your next promotion is through one magic word: STEP


Of course by STEP, I mean step-by-step. Consider which of these scenarios will work out for the long term:


1.    You decide to go running every morning, so you wake up the next morning and begin your new daily routine.


2.    You decide to go running every morning, so as a first step, you begin with twice a week, eventually increasing to three times a week and so on.


I don’t know which scenario you chose, but here are some really interesting numbers about a past experiment in which respondents were asked this question before they attempted to meet their long term goals.


On the whole, 60% of respondents chose scenario 1, while the other 40% chose scenario 2. This isn’t really surprising, as most of us approach new challenges imbued with optimism.


But here’s the really interesting part:


Of the respondents who chose scenario 1, less than 10% were able to meet their own goals, while of those who chose scenario 2, this number was over 90%. Talk about the power of outlook on achieving goals!


So let’s place our bets on the goal achievers (and not just the optimists) and meet your goals for 2016 with STEP.


State your Goals.

This isn’t about your vision or general direction. This is about clearly expressing what you want - as specifically as possible. A good example might be: I want to be promoted to regional sales manager between September and November 2016. Fleshing out your goal in this way increases your commitment. 


Talk your talk.

Once you’ve written out your goal, talk it out. Read it to yourself at least twice a day - treat it like your personal mantra. This will keep you waking up and going to bed with your goal, so that no matter what distracts you during the day, you’ll always come back to what’s most important. 


Estimate the time to complete milestones.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your goals be accomplished in a day. When you stated your goals, you gave yourself an overall timeframe for completion. Now, you have to break up your goal into smaller milestones, estimating the amount of time it’ll take to meet them. An example of a milestone might be: I’ll hold a meeting with my immediate supervisor by the end of February. Estimating the time for completion will help you meet the milestones on the way to your ultimate goal. It worked for Jane - and will work for you.


Peg your progress and look on career goals of a manager

Keep track of your progress, noting any gaps between what you’ve planned and what you’ve achieved - making any necessary adjustments along the way. By pegging your progress, you renew your commitment to your goal, ensuring its accomplishment.


So join the people who know how to achieve goals. Follow the STEP process in 2016 and make your career dreams come true. 


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born. and career goals of a manager are very important .

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3 steps for increasing your chances for tempting career advancement by 300%


A few statistics about promises to ourselves:


Only 28% of our promises will actually be kept.

12% of our promises will be changed (to make things easier).

A whopping 60% of promises won’t make it until this time next year.


What this means is that less than a third of our tempting career advancement promises will survive!


And the reason? Our habits. These are the number one factors affecting career development in mid-level managers.


So let’s see how we can take our habits by the horns and triple our chances of keeping true to our promises.


Every new week, month, year, etc. can fill us with heightened optimism, renewed energy, and certainty that we’ll finally get the promotion we deserve. We come up with ambitious plans to impress our bosses, and we resolve to bring in results unlike anytime before. But, as the numbers above tell us, something veers us off track along the way.


It’s our habits.


Promises to ourselves are always more difficult to keep than we think. And when the going gets tough, our habits kick in to shield us from these difficulties. For example, let’s say you promise yourself to go running every morning. But one morning, you wake up and it’s really cold outside. You can bet that your old habit of sleeping in will creep up and hijack that promise...and you’ll find yourself hitting the snooze button instead of getting out of bed. But it’s not unusual.  In fact, you might be surprised that on average, our habits control about 40% of what we do during the day. Yes, nearly half of what we do all day long is more or less done on autopilot!


So how can we keep this autopilot from interfering with our promises?


The antidote is determination. Developing and nurturing your determination to stick to your decisions is the one thing that will keep  you honest with your promises. To increase your chances threefold, here are 3 steps to follow:


Step 1: “Failure is not an option.” (my favorite quotation from NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz)


When you don’t allow for the possibility of failure (especially a Plan B), your goal has to succeed. Let’s say that your goal is to achieve a promotion. You’d want to beware of the following Plan Bs:


If I don’t get a promotion, I’ll find another well-paying job.

If they don’t promote me, I’ll change companies.

If the promotion doesn’t come through, I’ll take some professional development courses.


These Plan Bs, while admirable in general, are not and should not be considered part of achieving your goal. In fact, Plan Bs actually work to weaken your determination. Remember that developing and nurturing determination means keeping your eye on one ball only.


Step 2: There are no free lunches.


One thing that a truly determined person knows is that to achieve a goal, you’ll always have to give up something. So not only are there no free lunches, but also, unfortunately, you CAN’T have your cake and eat it, too. Whether it’s exchanging a longer lunch break for a shorter one or an early departure from work on Friday for a late one, developing and nurturing determination means making conscious choices in order to successfully achieve your goals.


Step 3: I visualize; therefore I can.


It might seem a little far-fetched to suggest that visualization is integral to determination. But consider this: if you were to talk to folks you considered as “determined,” you’d quickly discover how clearly they visualize themselves achieving their goals. So begin visualizing: your new office, how you’ll look the first day of your new job, your first staff meeting… The more you visualize, the stronger the imprint of success you’ll make on your brain - a key to developing and nurturing your determination.


So start increasing your chances of promotion by 300%  - today.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.


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What are the top 5 reasons why mid-level managers get stuck in their careers?


The symptoms are there.


You’ve had this job for about five years. Friends at other organizations are being promoted. You’ve been told to wait just a bit longer for your own corporate development career path.


You’re officially stuck in your career.


Should you be worried? Yes. Now find out why this is happening.


Here are the top 5 reasons why mid-level managers like you are stuck in your career:


The narrowing pyramid


It’s simple physics. As the pyramid narrows towards the top, less senior positions are available.


You were good enough to be promoted from a junior role to a mid-level one, but because the pyramid was still wide at that level, the competition was not quite as tough and there seemed to be more opportunities along your corporate development career path.


My advice: Figure out how to make sure that you pass the next round.


2.    The competition is on.


What about all of the others who are getting promoted? Well, they realized long ago that to realize the career goals of a manager, they need to compete harder.


You need to get into the game, too. Unlike your last promotion, it’s not enough to do a good job - or even an excellent job.


You have to figure out how to compete with other mid-level managers - by showing that you’re better.


My advice: find and develop your relative advantage and make sure you stand out in the crowd.


3.    No slack

When you were promoted in the past, those above you cut you some slack. They recognized you for your talents and achievements - but also saw your flaws. They figured that you’d be able to work on these as a mid-level manager.


But now, don’t expect any slack. Candidates for senior positions are scrutinized from head to toe. Those in charge of promotion are, for the most part, unwilling to compromise.


My advice: make sure that you have developed what it takes to be a senior manager.


4.    They’ve changed the rules on you.


Nobody told you when you started, but what defines you as “professional” has changed.


Over the years, you might have developed as the best sales manager or the most innovative programmer. This has gotten you to where you are today.


But to move up the ladder, you’ll need to add sophisticated managerial skills to your portfolio. What helped you in the past has become less relevant. demonstrating that you’re a well-rounded manager is the most important thing you can do now.


My advice: refine your management skills and show that you’re worthy of being a senior manager.


5.    Resting on your laurels = career coma


It’s nice that others have noticed you so far in your career. They’ve taken note of your talents and achievements and have promoted your accordingly.


No more. You can’t rest on your laurels and wait for a promotion. Managers who do not take a proactive part in shaping their career fall into career coma, never to wake up again to new opportunities.


My advice: don’t wait for someone to shake you out of your comfort zone - find ways to actively shape your career. It’s all up to you.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.


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My 4 holiday wishes to help make your career dreams come true

At this time of year, as we gather with our loved ones to celebrate the holidays, we find ourselves reflecting on our lives - family, friends, and career. Often, we ask ourselves where we are in achieving our dreams. Are we completely satisfied? Are we possibly a little disappointed? This is probably why one of the most popular greetings during this time of year is “may all your dreams come true.”


So what about your career dreams? Have you met your own expectations? To help you along, allow me to wish you 4 things this holiday season.


Holiday Wish #1: Unleash your dreams.

At this magical time of year, dare to dream what you’ve never dreamed before. Dreams allow us to think “out of the box” - to transcend the normal borders of our imagination. Use your innate ability to dream about your dream career - especially if it seems to be “the impossible dream.” You see, such “impossibility” is actually the stuff dreams are made of...and facing impossibility in your dreams is the only way to overcome it in life. Here are four useful reminders that will hopefully get you dreaming:


Just as in fairy tales, in real life, dreams are meant to come true.
Every great thing we’ve ever known - ideas, inventions, cures - started with a dream.
If you don’t have a dream, you can’t make it come true.



Holiday Wish #2: Visualize your success.

This holiday season, do overtime. No, not at work - visualizing. Clearly visualizing the results of your dreams is a crucial bridge towards making the impossible a reality. This is because of the simple fact that anything you can visualize, you can accomplish.


So start by visualizing yourself in your corner office. What does it look like? Where is your desk? What’s the view outside your window? Then visualize yourself in different situations in your new job. What’s it like to run a staff meeting? Give an important presentation? Determine a budget? Don’t worry if your visualizations are a little dull or blurred at the beginning. The more you visualize, the sharper and more detailed the images will become. And make sure that your other senses (hearing, smelling, feeling, maybe even tasting) get in on the act as well. The more senses you involve, the more you’ll actually really know what it’s like to have your dream job. So close your eyes and get to work.


Holiday Wish #3: Put your visualization into words.

After you’ve visualized your dream job in as much detail as possible, seize the opportunity to express it in words. When we put our dream job into words, we make it concrete so that we can set the goals needed to turn it into reality. When putting your visualization into words, here are some general questions you should answer:


1.      What is your dream job?

2.      When do you want to begin it?

3.      What are some of the major milestones you’ll need to accomplish along the way?


So start putting things into words - whether you write them down or record them, now is the time.


Holiday Wish #4: Plan it out.

If you’ve gotten this far (with or without the egg nog), consider how you’ll start realizing your dream as you begin the new year. Of course, this isn’t the time to make a very detailed plan, but while you’ve got things going, it would be a good idea to think about the following:


1.      Break down your overall dream job goal into smaller, more manageable “mini-goals.”

2.      Assign a rough due date for each of these mini-goals.

3.      Keep your eyes on the ball. No backup plans.

4.      And of course, believe in your dreams!


And finally, I’d like to wish you a very joyous holiday season, filled with love, happiness, and peace for all.


Best wishes




P.S. And don’t forget. Great managers are made. Not born.

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Why managerial talents can KILL the career goals of a manager


Yes, you read this correctly. Those great talents that have served you so well to get you this far can actually kill the career goals of a manager and sabotage your path to the corner office. I’ll explain.


Let’s say that after you’ve lead your team in sales for three years, your company promoted you to area sales manager. Obviously, this was based on your ability to sell - a perfect fit. As area sales manager, you continued to hone in on and perfect your sales skills, even breaking records every quarter. You spent every waking hour becoming better and better. You’re were on the fast track to fulfilling the career goals of a manager, right? WRONG.


In fact, you were far from qualified for a senior position because you’d been spending too much time developing your talent as a sales manager  - instead of learning essential skills needed for a senior position.


To avoid this scenario in your career, here’s a list of essential steps that you need to take (yes, even at the cost of further work on your current talents):


1.    Explore the operational/logistical side of your job. For example, where do key supplies come from? What are the delivery schedules of finished products? You’ll demonstrate to senior management that you are developing a comprehensive picture of how your company works.


2.    Understand the numbers. Are you sure that your key clients are bringing profit to your company? How much does that extra sales person cost? What are some cost-cutting measures that have been implemented in other departments? You’ll demonstrate your understanding of the company’s bottom line.


3.    Learn how to train others to develop the talents you have. You’ll find yourself recognized as a manager who understands the importance of human capital in an organization.


4.    If you’re targeting a certain position, actively research the competencies required and learn them - even on your own time and dime. The added value you bring will speak for you.


How do you know if you’re doing a good job at all of this? Managers from other departments will want to hear what you have to say on a variety of subjects. And you’ll start getting invites to meetings in other departments - a tell-tale sign that you’ve become senior management material.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.



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The ONLY secret weapon you’ll need to get promoted


Of course you’re motivated. And that’s a great thing for your journey to the corner office. But, as you probably know, most people’s journeys don’t end up as planned. What’s the reason?


It’s actually quite simple.  It’s the difference between your motivation and the amount of your perseverance. Motivation gets you started, but it’s the amount of perseverance that does the hard part. And that’s your secret weapon.


The amount of perseverance you have determines how well you’ll deal with all of the “bumps in the road” along the way. It will pull you out of the mud when you doubt your abilities or question why you ever decided to take on this challenge. It will keep you going when you’re tired and just want a “rest stop.” And it will keep you on track, not allowing you to change course in order to make the journey easier. In short, the right amount of perseverance will make sure that you actually complete your journey - never giving up.


And keep this in mind - it’s no harder to deal with setbacks along the way than it is to deal with giving up on your dreams.


Below are six pairs of statements. Check the statement that best describes your attitude.



a.      I know that I’ll achieve my dream job one day.

b.      I will definitely achieve my dream job one day.



a.      The costs of achieving a goal should be considered.

b.      The end always justifies the means.



a.      When things get tough, I regroup and start anew if required.

b.      I always tough things out.



a.      Some prices are too heavy to pay.

b.      Success is priceless.



a.      If the high road is closed, I’ll re-think my journey.

b.      If the high road is closed, I’ll take the low road.



a.      I always proceed with caution.

b.      Nothing can stop me.


Now tally your a answers and b answers separately. The more b answers there are, the more perseverance you have.


If you’ve got a good amount of perseverance, now is the time to harness it and start actively managing your career. But if you feel as if you might be lacking in the perseverance department, this is the time to start building it up.



And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.

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Great managers are made. Not born.


We all start off our career with great aspirations and dreams.


But for a shocking 70% of us, these dreams will never come true.


No promotions. No influence. No status. No executive paycheck.


Many people think that career success is for the “privileged few” - those who graduated at the top of their class from Ivy League schools, or who somehow started their career off with a bang, or who just got a lucky break.


But after 35 years of research, I can assure you that none of these privileges contribute to career success.


What does count, though, is active career management.


In fact, if you don’t work towards landing your first promotion within the first five years of your career, your chances for further promotion could be reduced.


This doesn’t mean that you’ll never be promoted. What it does mean, though, is that it is never too early to manage the next step in your career.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.

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“Managing my own career”

Lisa had always been a go-getter when it came to climbing the corporate ladder. Eyeing her next promotion, she turned to her boss for guidance.



I was always taught to manage my own career - to be proactive -  not to wait around for some big boss to recognize me and hand me an opportunity on a silver platter - even though this was only my first managerial job. With this thought in mind, I went into a meeting with my direct supervisor, who had asked me for a quarterly budget update. After our discussion of this quarter’s numbers, I asked if she had a few more minutes to talk. She agreed and I told her that I admired her very much for her own climb up the corporate ladder and wanted to know about other factors affecting career development. She thanked me for the compliment and said that it’s important to always take charge of things, stay engaged with the company’s overall strategy, and to keep developing my curiosity. Then she urged me to get in touch with Etika, whom she promised would help me work towards tempting career advancement. My boss knew what she was talking about, so I took down Etika’s number.


As I left my supervisor’s office, I thought that maybe it might be a little too premature to try to fast track my career. Could this be a mistake? Perhaps I needed more experience in my current role.


That night, I went out with some friends for after work drinks. One of my colleagues introduced me to someone who said that he had just been to see Etika and that things looked very good. I knew that this person and I were at the same managerial level, so I thought to myself that it probably is a good time in my career to meet with Etika. After all, I always did see myself as proactive when it came to my career.


Encounter with Etika

When I finished climbing the stairs to Etika’s office, I was greeted with the famous mirrors that I had heard and read about. I knew that each mirror provided a slightly different reflection of me and that I should take into account that I am perceived differently by the people around me at work.


A door opened and Etika appeared, greeting me warmly. She began to ask me about my impression of the mirrors and I told her that I already had heard and read about the story behind them. She smiled and asked me what the mirrors meant to me. I told her that the experience of seeing so many different versions of myself was thought-provoking - but I didn’t really know where to go on from there. I started to tell Etika why I had come but then had trouble in that department as well.


I explained to her that I didn’t have a specific issue that I was grappling with - much like many of the people I’d heard and read about who felt “stuck” in their career. She then asked me what, in any case, brought me to see her. I still wasn’t able to put my finger on anything specific, but one thing was certain: I wanted to get to the corner office as quickly as possible. Etika responded that this was an excellent reason for us to meet.


We sat down and Etika asked me about myself, my management style - it’s good and not-so-good points. She listened intently without interruption. Then, she sat me down next to a computer and had me fill out a questionnaire. My answers would not only help identify my dominant management style but also to what degree this style might be preventing my potential from developing - something that would be important for getting to that corner office.


The results showed that my dominant style is what’s known as Producer, which is actually very advantageous when it comes to getting things done as quickly and as effectively as possible. However, as I would grow and develop in the company, being just a Producer could hinder my ability to work with larger teams in bringing in results. This could be a real career-stopper and it was important for me to develop my potential management style as well.


I asked Etika if she thought that it was important for me to begin this change now - after all, I had a long career ahead of me and maybe working with her would distract me from my present duties. She told me that it was up to me. We could either continue with the process now or I could go back to my job and give her a call when I was ready.


I genuinely wasn’t sure what to do. Etika said that we could possibly begin slowly. The advantage was that it would be easier to make the changes because I was just at the beginning of my career and my management style wasn’t quite “set in cement” as it might be with more senior managers. I took a few days to think about it and then came back to Etika to get down to work.


Road to success

About nine months into the process, my immediate supervisor called me in for a meeting. I was sure that she wanted to review the quarterly budget. Instead, she told me that she and some of the other managers had noticed a change in me. They saw how well I was managing team members, ensuring that everyone understood their role. My boss said that this was what she’d meant by “taking charge of things”. Then, to my delight, she offered me a promotion, effective the following month.


Since then, three years have passed and I am the CFO of a large company, slated to take the CEO’s seat in two weeks.


What about you?

Have you begun your journey towards developing your career path? Hit Reply to share your stories and thoughts.


Remember: Great managers are made. Not born.

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