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Are you really
promotion material?

Fill in this short survey to find out:

  • 1. Have you requested a promotion in the last year?
  • 2. Have you ever been rejected for a promotion?
  • 3. Have you ever been offered a promotion?
  • 4. Has a co-worker at the same level ever been promoted instead of you?
  • 5. Has there ever been a position you applied for and didn’t get?
  • 6. Are you hesitant about asking for a promotion for fear of your boss’s response?
  • 7. Have you ever left an organization because you were passed up for promotion there?
  • 8. Do you know if your work environment values you and your work?
  • 9. Do you think that you deserve a promotion?
  • 10. Do you promote your work and yourself at work?
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** Please answer all questions **

Is Your Boss Too Dependent Upon You and Are You Too Invaluable an Employee to Lose?

Are you wondering why others are getting promoted over you even though they might not be as good as you at their job? You work hard and you have serious career goals of a manager. These involve proper preparation and commitment to the company, a great work ethic, and you have even undergone self-training. So, what are you doing wrong?


Perhaps the answer is you are too good at your job. Have you ever thought that your boss might be holding you back because of this?


Your boss knows that you will get the job done well. Hiring and training someone new takes a lot of time and effort. In a busy company not many bosses want to have to spend time replacing great employees like you.

Is your boss just being selfish?

A selfish boss may prevent you from working with other people so they don’t see how good you are at your job. They may even give you poor reviews, and not put your name forward when asked for recommendations.

Are they being selfish? No one can answer this but them. However, before you get all hot under the collar let’s give your boss the benefit of the doubt. Getting angry won’t do your career goals of a manager any good at all.


How Can You Tell if Your Boss is Holding You Back?


Does your boss single you out to do special tasks and projects? Are you spoken to in private about work you are required to do?

Special projects are often reserved for employees like you who are great at what you do. Let’s face it, your boss isn’t going to give these important tasks to someone who lacks your expertise and drive, are they?

While being chosen to do special projects is flattering you might have to ask yourself is there anyone else on your team who can do them as well as you? Is there someone else who could take your place? Does your boss rely solely on you?

Consider these questions and you may come to realize that there is a good reason your boss is holding you back. You are the only one who is reliable enough to do the job.


Choose Your Times, Then Talk It Out


You may not even be aware that holding employees back is bad for business. Research has proven this, and you need to take your case to your boss.

Do some research and present your findings to your boss. Stay calm all the time, as well as, upbeat and positive.

Make sure you ask questions that you don’t know the answers to. One might be how can you improve your performance so that you can be considered for a senior position?


Be Prepared and Proactive


Have you asked your boss what’s going on, and expressed an interest in a promotion? Set up a meeting time so you can discuss what your needs are. Make it early in the morning so you can go in with a clear head, and also plan what you are going to say.

Using records and data show the different ways that you have made a significant impact on the company. Talk about your goals and how much they mean to you. Demonstrate how much more you could do for the company if you were in a more senior position.

Most importantly, frame your comments so that you make your current boss look good. Tell them that it is due to them that you are the great employee you are, and how much you have learned from them.


Don’t Give Up


So, how can you achieve the career goals of a manager despite a boss who still wants to keep you close by?

Remember that you are not being punished for being good at your job. You are being utilized and you are highly valued. These are good points, which you need to use when putting your case forward for a promotion.

Identify the signs your boss is too dependent upon you, and find proactive solutions. When you do you will better prepared when that next promotion comes up.


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Record and Track Your Way to Your Next Promotion

If you are not in the habit of recording your career successes then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. This is particular true if you are considering a tempting career advancement, and you are not sure how to take advantage of it.


Let’s face it, getting a promotion isn’t just going to happen. If you want to further your management career you have to make it happen. And, to do this successfully you need to track and record all the information and data you need to make a stunning presentation the next time you sit down in a job interview.


When pursuing your next tempting career advancement opportunity, remember to get ahead you should take charge of properly preparing yourself. And, this means recording and tracking everything you have achieved.


What Is the Purpose of Tracking and Recording Your Successes?


The most important reason for tracking and recording your successes is to reflect, record and them. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will amass an attractive portfolio which you can share next time you sit down in a job interview.

You should take time to reflect on your accomplishments in real time before you forget them. We tend to be too busy to stop and record what we have done, and this means important milestones and goals might be forgotten.

As soon as a project is completed, make notes and save the file. Scan flyers or print materials, too. You may have photos of other accomplishments and you should keep these too, making sure they are your images and not your company’s.

Tracking and recording your successes gives you the opportunity to think about what you did well, and also what you should have done differently. No one is perfect, and as long as you can look at something you’ve done in an honest way you’ll see how where improvements could have been made. This will help you get better results in the future, and show prospective new employers how much you are willing to learn and grow.

When you are applying for a promotion this file is going to be invaluable. You can use it to clearly demonstrate how much you have actually achieved.


How Should you Track and Record?


Once you have completed a project, take time to stop and reflect by keeping a special file on your computer and make a list of your accomplishments and how they contributed to the outcome.

Consider which of your accomplishments can be measured and in what terms. For example, did your work help increase your company’s clientele, or earnings. Where your actions responsible for decreasing spending?

You could use Excel to clearly layout what you have achieved. Create labels such as date, project name, who was involved besides you, the time it took, whether it was achieved on time and on budget, and where things went wrong.

Then you should have a separate table for how these last things will be improved upon next time.


Being Influential and Solution Focused


Don’t forget to share your successes in a constructive way. Most people don’t like to brag, and therefore others don’t realize what they have achieved.

However, there are ways to share your accomplishments with your team and your boss without sounding like a showoff.

Frame your comments in such a way that it shows that the success of a project was a team effort. Keep your comments positive, and focus on the benefits the company received from it. Use “we” and “our” pronouns, not “I” or “me”, for example.

This will help others see you in a positive light, as a team player and someone who can be relied upon.

Spreading the word around your office, and your wider network, will help you build your reputation for being a team player and a reliable employee.

Having your accomplishments tracked and recorded properly will provide the visual information needed to push you up and onto the career path you desire.



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3 Ways You Can Ensure You Are Promoted Over a Work Colleague

Competition for senior management positions can be a double-edged sword in the workplace. It can help bring out all those attributes that teach us how to measure success at work, but it can also cut us down as we are outdone by a work colleague.

If you want to make sure that you are well prepared for your next promotion then you are going to have to start planning now even if there isn’t a job available. Being fully prepared may be the one thing that will help you be promoted over a work colleague.

If you having been following my articles you will already be aware there are many ways how to measure success at work. Planning for your dream job takes months, if not years; it is not something you can achieve overnight.

One thing you have to face is that others in your company, and your department will be vying for the same position as you. This may result in bad feelings when someone is promoted over someone else. And, this can adversely affect the success of the company.


Disgruntled employees who feel they are being ignored may not work to the fullest potential. They may also begin to undermine the company’s projects, and ultimately sabotage its success. One of the key reasons for this occurs when an employee is left behind as their work colleagues are promoted over them again and again.

You don’t want this to be you. After all, you are good at your job, and you know you have the right skills to do well. You want to advance your career and demonstrate to your employees just how skillful you are. As well, you have put hours and hours of work into planning your promotion, and you don’t want to be overlooked again because a work colleague was better prepared for the job interview than you were.


Here are 3 ways you can ensure you are promoted over a work colleague, and help the process go as smoothly as possible. Before the interview make sure that you are always seen to be doing these important things:


1. Network within your company

Networking is easier for some people than others because some people are naturally outgoing and enjoy meeting others. These people are very good at networking and understand what it means for their career advancement.

Networking doesn’t just mean knowing the names of the work colleagues inside, and out of your department. When you begin to incorporate networking into your career advancement plan understand exactly what it entails.

For example, networking with others means making sure that people of influence within your company know who you are, and they are fully aware of all the skills you have. They look to you as someone who can get the job done, and who is interested in the long term success of the company.


2. Be indispensable

Make sure that those people who are working on projects with you know that you are the go-to person for many of its aspects. This may mean extra work for you, but it will make you indispensable on so many levels.

If there is an issue don’t fob it off for someone else to do or ignore it. Tackle problems head on and make sure that you find a solution. If there is a failing in some area, again make sure that it is you who does something about it, and fixes it.

Being indispensable can be hard work, but it will ensure that next time a promotion is available you will be looked upon more favorably than your work colleagues.


3. Be Respectful of Your Work Colleagues

During the interview process, no one enjoys hearing someone else talk badly about another person. It makes everyone feel uncomfortable and only makes the speaker seem churlish and childish. You don’t need to point out the shortcomings of your work colleagues in an interview because the hiring committee more than likely knows them. Instead, respect your competition and be polite.


If you are asked why you are the better candidate for a promotion always talk up your own skills. Don’t point out that you are better than another person by pointing out how bad they are at their job. Don’t remind the interviewees of mistakes others have made as this might remind them of the mistakes you have made, and that won’t go down well either.


If you are asked to talk about a work colleague do so in a respectful way. This shows that you have a greater understanding of your workplace, and that you have the skills needed to manage others at a senior level in a fair and honest manner.


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How To Manage Your Career Like You Do Your Department

As an employee you do a great job of managing your department. You know what is happening, who is doing what, and you also know, how to achieve the best outcome for your company.

However, do you apply the same skills to your professional development goals for managers? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about advancing your career? Do you read a lot of books, watch inspiring videos, and join online community forums focused on career advancement?

Have any of these things worked? My guess is, ‘No’.

Sadly, most people don’t realize that they already have the skills they need to succeed. They look at their professional development goals for managers as something different from what they are already doing: Something else they have to learn about, or something new they have to add to their busy day.

In truth, you should consider utilizing the skills you use in your job to advance your career along the path you most desire.

You will be surprised to learn that the skills and talents you already have may be enough to get you that promotion or career change you have always wanted.


Be Well Organized

Treat your career advancement goals like you would a new project at work. Look at the long term goal, and what you hope to achieve at the end of certain amount of time, and then set smaller goals that will help you achieve this.

Who do you need help from? What resources do you already have? Do you need to retrain or study more?

How much planning is done when beginning a new project? How do you organize your workload? Do you use folders and a filing system? Are there codes and systems which make tracking the project easier and more efficient?

You know these systems work because you use them and you are good at what you do, and you know how to get results. So, why not use these systems or similar ones to advance your career?

You may not get your dream job now or next week. But, what if you planned and implemented a strategic system that looked at how you could improve yourself, and your prospects?

This might involve keeping track of jobs you would like and have applied for. In particular, you should be doing analyze of each job application, and carefully looking at each aspect and seeing how well you meet them.

It may also involve getting a mentor, learning online and being a better employee.


Keep Your Eyes on What is Happening Day to Day

Many long term goals get lost in the day to day operations of our lives. How many times have you stopped and dreamt of your dream job, then found months later your busy life has just got in your way of obtaining it?

Never losing sight of your long term goal is important, but so is what is happening right now. Make a habit of checking in each day and seeing where you are on your management career path journey.

If there is something you haven’t done, get it done by the end of the day. Always make yourself accountable by dedicating a few minutes a day to seeing how well you are going.


Evolve and Grow

Being flexible is one of the best ways to achieve your goals. Today you see yourself in a certain position, in a certain company, and that’s okay. Your life may take you down a path that you hadn’t counted on. Your company may promote you in way you couldn’t have imagined, and that’s okay too.

The important thing is to evolve and grow with these changes. Don’t see them as obstacles that are slowing you down. Instead, view them as interesting challenges that will help you grow and evolve into an even better manager.

Running and organizing your career should be done in the same way you organize your department. You should be keeping track of what you have done, and what you need to achieve in a formal, well-organized manner. You should also be making sure you are accountable to yourself, like you are to your managers, so that you compelled to do a great job.


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There is No Place For Complacency When Applying for a Job Internally – 2 Tips That Will Get You That Promotion

Many people make the mistake of thinking that because they already work for a company, they will be considered leniently for a promotion. This is especially true if they have been invited to apply by their senior managers.

And, why wouldn’t they be flattered, and think the job was theirs? After all, like you they have their eyes firmly set on a corporate development career path, and want to succeed.

However, they are disappointed when they don’t get the position, and someone who applied externally is given the position over them. This really hurts when they know they could do the job well, and they want to do the right thing by their company.

If you have experienced this scenario, you are not alone. It happens so often I feel compelled to write about it, and offer you 2 important tips to help you be the best candidate for the job.

Next time you are considering advancing your corporate development career path by applying for a job internally, consider these 2 important points:


1. Look at the Job Position from Your Employer’s Point of View

Many people see a job advertised or are asked to apply, and think “What do I have to do to get this position?” They look at the position, and the rewards it offers, from their point of view only.

Your employer already knows you might be suitable for the role, but you are going to have to convince them and beat the competition from within and without your organization.

They want to see a new, fresh you. They don’t want to see an old resume or you in the same suit or outfit you wear a lot. They want to see that you can step up to the new role, and be more of a professional than you are already.

Consider what questions your employer might be thinking, and make sure you address them.

As an example, here are 3 questions many employers are asking themselves:


a. What are the three most important responsibilities of this role? What qualities does the right person need to fulfill this role?

b. What kind of leadership or management style am I looking for? Will I find that in people I already know or will someone new bring something interesting to the table?

c.  What are potential red flags that might stop me from selecting a particular candidate? If someone applies internally, can I see past their foibles and hire them for what they have the potential to become, not who they are now?

Now, sit down and answer these questions as if you were your employer. Do you have the right skill set? Are you qualified, and a good fit for the role?

If not, find out what you need to do to make sure you are. And, if you can’t step back and be better prepared next time.


2. Talk About Your Imperfections

No one has a perfect employment record because we are all human and make mistakes. When you are applying for a job internally be prepared to admit to these mistakes and face them.

Perhaps you let something slip at the coffee machine in front of a client you shouldn’t have. Perhaps you overpromised and under delivered and a client was lost.

Sometimes things are missed, and mistakes are made – your employer knows that. So, fully explain what went wrong, and hold yourself accountable.

What they want from you is an open honest approach, and the ability to see a mistake, and you acting towards fixing it straight way. They don’t want someone who tries to hide their mistakes.

Show that you learned from your mistake, and haven’t repeated it. Demonstrate how you made amends, how you apologized and how you moved on from what happened.

As well, talk about your great track record, and show them the files you have kept that showcase just want a great job you are doing.

Remember that your seniors are human and have made mistakes just like you. They don’t want to promote someone who never owns up or blames others. They want someone in a senior position who can manage mistakes and turn them into positives.

So, when applying for a senior position within your company don’t approach it casually. Be as focused and proactive as you would be if you were applying for a position at another company.

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Utilizing Your Shortcomings To Get the Job of Your Dreams

There are many factors affecting the career development of most managers. They desperately want a promotion and to advance their career. They get invited to job interviews, so they can be given the chance to showcase their career. They prepare for the interview just like they swatted for exams, but they miss a crucial aspect of their career which impedes their likelihood of promotion over and over again.


Does this scenario sound familiar? Are you unknowingly sabotaging any possibility of promotion by ignoring relevant factors affecting the career development of managers?


It is not uncommon during job interviews for the interview committee to have doubts regarding your ability to be an effective executive manager. They may recognize that you are great in your current position as a medium-level manager, but they can’t envision you being able to step up to the next level.


So, why is this?


After all you prepared your resume, dusted off your best suit, and even practiced your well-rehearsed canned responses over and over again. You decided how best to approach the interview and gave it your best shot, and it wasn’t good enough.


Does that mean there is something wrong with them? Did they miss those important points that clearly show just how much you are suited to the position? This is highly unlikely. The truth is you just didn’t cut the grade because you failed to utilize your shortcomings.


We all have shortcomings; those things we aren’t as good at as we would like to be. They might seem insignificant to you, and not important, but ignoring them is just not going to make them go away. As well, you might not even be aware of them, but the senior managers interviewing you often see them clearly.


Take Ownership And Strive To Be Relevant


Taking ownership of your shortcomings is a big step towards ensuring you are ready to advance your career. It may be painful for some people, but it is absolutely crucial if you are going to utilize them.


If you ignore your shortcomings gaps will appear in your interview. These gaps will become more and more noticeable to those interviewing you, and they will be waiting for you to address them.


Own your shortcomings and address them in the interview because it is your only chance to do so. Openly talk about them and lay them out on the table. Don’t wait for the interviewees to bring them up, instead wait for the chance to tell them what faults you have experienced in the workplace.


Now, this is not an opportunity to make excuses and approach your shortcomings with a cavalier attitude, not at all. Instead, you need to demonstrate why these shortcomings are relevant.

And, why are they relevant? Because you own them, and you have worked to diminish them. You are not sweeping them under the carpet, but are opening up the opportunity to explore them and make them relevant.


What the interviewees are looking for is someone who can step up and lead. Let’s face it; that is what senior managers do very well. They don’t sit back and ignore areas or skills that are lacking and expect everyone to assume they can do their job.


Preparing for the Job Interview


If you are applying for a job externally it is important that you understand fully what the company is looking for. You are not the only person they are interviewing; some people will come from outside, and others from inside the company. Your job is to demonstrate that you are the most important person for this position, and that you have what it takes to handle the promotion on offer.


Here are 3 tips to ensuring that you are fully prepared for your next job interview:


Firstly, find out other qualities do the internal candidates lack? There must be a reason why the company has decided to reach out to other people. Look at the job description in detail, and analyze the job itself thoroughly to find out what the other candidates are lacking. Once you have an idea about this, make sure that you demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to fit the bill.


Secondly, find out what areas the company could do better in, and find out what challenges it may be facing. Demonstrate how well you can help the company overcome them and be more successful. Discussing these aspects in your interview will show how hiring you will benefit the company.


Thirdly, make sure that your pitch is uniquely suited to the needs of the company, and to the expectations of the hiring committee. Demonstrate that you are familiar with the company; that you understand what the company needs to succeed, and that you are the perfect person for to ensure that it happens.


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Why You Should Analyze a Successful Person’s Career

You may be sitting at your desk now and wondering how you can further your corporate development career path. You might even be surrounded by colleagues who seem to be doing everything right; they get the rewards, the bonuses, and the promotions you long for.

So, what can you do? Should you copy them and become like them?

While it is tempting to try to be like someone you admire, and to desire what they have you should never try to be anything you are not. This would only make you unhappy and you may end up looking foolish.

Instead, learn how to analyze the people who are successful in your company, and in your industry, and your corporate development career path will certainly become more focused and clearer.


First, Understand What Value You Have

Before you set out to make changes to how you work, firstly make sure you understand the value of your work, and how it contributes positively to the company’s outcomes.

Build your credibility, and extend your influence in the position you hold at the moment, by creating a file of your accomplishments. Detail how they benefited the company. These will help you prove how good you are at your job when it comes to asking for a promotion.


Make a List of Prized Qualities

Take a look around your company and make a list of the people who have been promoted.

Make a list of the qualities each person possessed that ensured they got the promotion. You may note qualities like never being late for work, showing initiative, or sharing their ideas with their team.

Do you notice any of the qualities overlapping? Do these people share some things or many things in common?

Now, you don’t want to copy these people or try to be them, but you may need to take on board these qualities and change the way you approach your work.


Get a Mentor

A mentor is someone who has more experience, and who can offer you practical and honest advice. The role of any mentor is to walk alongside their ‘student’ (that’s you); not to lead them by walking ahead, or push them by walking behind.

If you find someone who will mentor you make sure you are ready to listen to their ideas, and take on board their suggestions. Now, these suggestions might sound like criticisms, and perhaps they are, but it is important to focus on them.

What can you do instead? Now, add those attributes to the prized qualities you noted in others, and shape your corporate career path in the direction you would like it to go.


Create a Plan of Success

Nothing ever succeeds without a plan. Don’t say you are going to be reach your desired promotion in one year, and leave it at that.

Create a long term plan that has a whole raft of smaller goals incorporated into it. This may involve setting down achievable smaller goals that can be reached in shorter time frames.

Remember: Your plan should involve analyzing what successful people are doing, and incorporating these into your daily routine. It should also involve regular meetings with a mentor.

Most importantly, your plan should involve how you are going to become the person you need to be to get that promotion, and create the career path you want.


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How Do You Know You Are Ready for a Career Change ?

One of the most daunting things many people face when they are considering the career goals of a manager is whether they should change their career.

Taking a risk is scary, and can lead to failure. This is one of the main reasons contributing to managers being stuck, and not being able to change their careers. It can also be a self-fulfilling goal where you think you are going to failure, and you do.


The reasons why you might be ready for a change are many. Your career goals of a manager may have shifted, and you no longer feel fulfilled or happy. You may be bored or feel underutilized. You may also feel undervalued and unappreciated.


Whatever the reason, a change may just be the thing to bring about vitality and purpose to your life, but how can you deal with the fear of failure? Let’s face it, change is another word for challenge, and challenges make our lives difficult and, in many respects, unstable.


Be Prepared for an Exciting Adventure

Across the world, one important factor that stops managers from changing their careers is a fear of failure. But, what if you changed your mindset, and looked at change as an invitation to do something new and exciting?

A change in career brings about new learning experiences. It offers new opportunities to evolve as a person, but also as a professional. You will see a side of yourself that you may need to change, and also one you can be proud of too.

If you look at the change as something new and exciting, you’ll find you are no longer feeling so afraid.


Work On Your Strengths

The best way to succeed at change is to work on your strengths. Don’t try to copy or imitate anyone else; this will only make you look silly and you then you are sure to fail. Instead, use your strengths to build your confidence, and better prepare yourself for the changes ahead.

Look beyond the surface strengths, and dig deeper. Sure, you are great at setting up an Excel document, and tracking inventory, for example, but what strengths made these practical things happen?

Are you curious, and has this led to you finding out how to do interesting things that others haven’t heard of before?

Are you determined and show great perseverance? Do you have what it takes to fulfil the new role?

If you are not sure find out what is required to do the work well, and learn what it is you need to do. Perhaps you need to learn new practical skills or perhaps you need to find the qualities that others have who have succeeded.


Make Sure You Know Exactly What You Want

Knowing exactly what you want will help you set clear goals. Now, when I say ‘exactly’ I mean it.

Make a note of every detail and create a vision of what this new career will be like. What will your office look like? Where will it be positioned in the building? What will you wear? How will you get to work?

You may believe that these details might not matter, but when you have a very clear idea of what you want, it gives you a greater sense of purpose and an exact path.

Now, you may not end up on the exact path you envisioned, but you are flexible and reasonable in your expectations.

You can overcome this sense of failure and alter the way you look at change so that it is exciting and appealing. You are confident in your own strengths, and know the areas you have to work on.


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Want to Get Into Your Boss’s Head? The Answer to This Question is Easier than You Think.

The answer managers, like you, give when completing career development survey questions is that they have no idea what their boss is thinking. This is understandably frustrating and disempowering.

You want to do well and get noticed. After all, you have a career path promotion you deserve and want to make happen. Do you feel you are being overlooked? Do you want to be promoted because you know you are good enough and you know that you can handle the workload? Career development survey questions which managers, like you, have completed attest to these desires, but they are loaded with self-doubt.

Imagine how different your career would be if you knew what your boss was really thinking? Think about it for a second. If you did know you could make the changes needed to ensure you were quickly promoted, and your career would be on the trajectory you have always wanted.

But, how do you find out what your boss is really thinking?


Building a Relationship With Your Boss

One way to get someone to open up to you is to build a relationship with them based on trust. This means that you have to act in a trustworthy manner at all times whether your boss is in the room or not.

You can’t go around gossiping about your boss behind their back, then expect them not to find out. You need to build a solid relationship in and away from the workplace. The more time you invest in this relationship the more successful you will be.


Be Proactive and Respond Quickly

Now, getting to know your boss is one thing, but it is not going to get you a promotion on its own. You need to do your job really well and in a timely manner.

If you are asked to do something – do it! Do it as quickly as you can, and as well as you can. Don’t sit back and decide you’ll do it when you are ready. And, certainly don’t waste time. If the boss wants it, get it done, fast.

The worst thing that can happen is your boss having to repeat the same request, and you having to explain why it hasn’t been done.


If You Want to Know, Ask

One of the things that many managers don’t do is ask. If you want to know about something ask. If you want to know what your boss has planned for you, ask.

Now, it is easier said than done and there are some important points you need to take into consideration:


1. Get the timing right. Don’t ask your boss just before the working day ends or at the end of a meeting. Make sure you make an appointment.


2. Be upfront, frank and honest. Ask, “What plans do you have for me?”


3. Whatever their answer, make sure you thank them and you are polite. Never argue with your boss.


4. Before you leave, ask them three things that you can do to get promoted. What skills does your boss think you need? What areas do you need to improve? Is there something about your personality or work ethics which are holding you back? Whatever the response is, make sure you make effective changes immediately.


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Taking Control of Your Career – Forget the Tips and Advice

If you are a manager and you are constantly frustrated with the lack of progress your career path is taking, then perhaps it is time you forgot the tips and advice you’ve been using.

If you are looking to manage your career put those tips aside and stop blaming yourself.

In truth, there are many factors affecting career development, some of which are out of your control. The reason that managers, like you, are not progressing up the corporate ladder as they wished is because some career advice simply doesn’t fit them as individuals.

Even worse, when you fail to follow this ill-fitting advice, you don’t blame it, instead you blame yourself.

So, what do you do then? Some managers look for more advice and this leads to a vicious cycle where your inability to progress results in failure after failure.


Get the Right Mindset

What you need is a mindset that will help you manage your career like a business. Take a look at the trends that are shaping your industry and niche. Pay attention to what the experts are saying about these trends, and future trends too.


You also need to be honest with yourself and identify your strengths, and decide whether these are marketable. Take a step back and look at the company you are working for. What skills do you have to acquire to become more valuable to yourself and your future employers? Go out and get those skills and make learning a part of your day.

The next step is to map the path to where you want to go in your career out on a large sheet of paper or create a flow diagram on your computer. Create smaller goals within these larger ones. Smaller goals are much more achievable and as you attain them celebrate your success. This will give you a renewed energy to work hard and achieve your long term goals.


Make Sure You Are Seen

Maintaining visibility is key to being noticed and subsequently promoted. Make sure your good work and successes are noticed. You don’t need to blow your own trumpet each day; that is only going to get you tagged as a braggart. Instead, build a solid team around you and make sure your work is so good that your team, and your work itself speaks for you.


Always Have a Plan B

Having a fallback plan or a “Plan B” is crucial to your success. Why? If you are too focused on Plan A – your dream goal, and it doesn’t happen quite like you would have hoped, then you will be disappointed and may give up.

We can’t control anything or everything around us. Things happen that can disrupt our plans which are unforeseen and random. It just makes sense to have a Plan B which is well thought out and planned in detail.

Without a fallback plan you may find when things go wrong the shock, stress and anger may push you into making choices which are not good for your long-term career.

A Plan B is a practical safety net that provides you with viable options and gives you clarity and direction when things go awry.


And always remember:


Great managers are made. Not born.


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