Utilizing Your Shortcomings To Get the Job of Your Dreams

There are many factors affecting the career development of most managers. They desperately want a promotion and to advance their career. They get invited to job interviews, so they can be given the chance to showcase their career. They prepare for the interview just like they swatted for exams, but they miss a crucial aspect of their career which impedes their likelihood of promotion over and over again.
Does this scenario sound familiar? Are you unknowingly sabotaging any possibility of promotion by ignoring relevant factors affecting the career development of managers?
It is not uncommon during job interviews for the interview committee to have doubts regarding your ability to be an effective executive manager. They may recognize that you are great in your current position as a medium-level manager, but they can’t envision you being able to step up to the next level.
So, why is this?
After all you prepared your resume, dusted off your best suit, and even practiced your well-rehearsed canned responses over and over again. You decided how best to approach the interview and gave it your best shot, and it wasn’t good enough.
Does that mean there is something wrong with them? Did they miss those important points that clearly show just how much you are suited to the position? This is highly unlikely. The truth is you just didn’t cut the grade because you failed to utilize your shortcomings.
We all have shortcomings; those things we aren’t as good at as we would like to be. They might seem insignificant to you, and not important, but ignoring them is just not going to make them go away. As well, you might not even be aware of them, but the senior managers interviewing you often see them clearly.
Take Ownership And Strive To Be Relevant
Taking ownership of your shortcomings is a big step towards ensuring you are ready to advance your career. It may be painful for some people, but it is absolutely crucial if you are going to utilize them.
If you ignore your shortcomings gaps will appear in your interview. These gaps will become more and more noticeable to those interviewing you, and they will be waiting for you to address them.
Own your shortcomings and address them in the interview because it is your only chance to do so. Openly talk about them and lay them out on the table. Don’t wait for the interviewees to bring them up, instead wait for the chance to tell them what faults you have experienced in the workplace.
Now, this is not an opportunity to make excuses and approach your shortcomings with a cavalier attitude, not at all. Instead, you need to demonstrate why these shortcomings are relevant.
And, why are they relevant? Because you own them, and you have worked to diminish them. You are not sweeping them under the carpet, but are opening up the opportunity to explore them and make them relevant.
What the interviewees are looking for is someone who can step up and lead. Let’s face it; that is what senior managers do very well. They don’t sit back and ignore areas or skills that are lacking and expect everyone to assume they can do their job.
Preparing for the Job Interview
If you are applying for a job externally it is important that you understand fully what the company is looking for. You are not the only person they are interviewing; some people will come from outside, and others from inside the company. Your job is to demonstrate that you are the most important person for this position, and that you have what it takes to handle the promotion on offer.
Here are 3 tips to ensuring that you are fully prepared for your next job interview:
Firstly, find out other qualities do the internal candidates lack? There must be a reason why the company has decided to reach out to other people. Look at the job description in detail, and analyze the job itself thoroughly to find out what the other candidates are lacking. Once you have an idea about this, make sure that you demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to fit the bill.
Secondly, find out what areas the company could do better in, and find out what challenges it may be facing. Demonstrate how well you can help the company overcome them and be more successful. Discussing these aspects in your interview will show how hiring you will benefit the company.
Thirdly, make sure that your pitch is uniquely suited to the needs of the company, and to the expectations of the hiring committee. Demonstrate that you are familiar with the company; that you understand what the company needs to succeed, and that you are the perfect person for to ensure that it happens.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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