Want to Get Into Your Boss’s Head? The Answer to This Question is Easier than You Think.

The answer managers, like you, give when completing career development survey questions is that they have no idea what their boss is thinking. This is understandably frustrating and disempowering.
You want to do well and get noticed. After all, you have a career path promotion you deserve and want to make happen. Do you feel you are being overlooked? Do you want to be promoted because you know you are good enough and you know that you can handle the workload? Career development survey questions which managers, like you, have completed attest to these desires, but they are loaded with self-doubt.
Imagine how different your career would be if you knew what your boss was really thinking? Think about it for a second. If you did know you could make the changes needed to ensure you were quickly promoted, and your career would be on the trajectory you have always wanted.
But, how do you find out what your boss is really thinking?
Building a Relationship With Your Boss
One way to get someone to open up to you is to build a relationship with them based on trust. This means that you have to act in a trustworthy manner at all times whether your boss is in the room or not.
You can’t go around gossiping about your boss behind their back, then expect them not to find out. You need to build a solid relationship in and away from the workplace. The more time you invest in this relationship the more successful you will be.
Be Proactive and Respond Quickly
Now, getting to know your boss is one thing, but it is not going to get you a promotion on its own. You need to do your job really well and in a timely manner.
If you are asked to do something – do it! Do it as quickly as you can, and as well as you can. Don’t sit back and decide you’ll do it when you are ready. And, certainly don’t waste time. If the boss wants it, get it done, fast.
The worst thing that can happen is your boss having to repeat the same request, and you having to explain why it hasn’t been done.
If You Want to Know, Ask
One of the things that many managers don’t do is ask. If you want to know about something ask. If you want to know what your boss has planned for you, ask.
Now, it is easier said than done and there are some important points you need to take into consideration:
1. Get the timing right. Don’t ask your boss just before the working day ends or at the end of a meeting. Make sure you make an appointment.
2. Be upfront, frank and honest. Ask, “What plans do you have for me?”
3. Whatever their answer, make sure you thank them and you are polite. Never argue with your boss.
4. Before you leave, ask them three things that you can do to get promoted. What skills does your boss think you need? What areas do you need to improve? Is there something about your personality or work ethics which are holding you back? Whatever the response is, make sure you make effective changes immediately.
And always remember:
Great managers are made. Not born.
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