3 step process to find out what others think about you
10/6/2020This, of course, would be the game changer - worth everything you could give, wouldn’t it? So here’s my 3-step process on how to get it:
1. Spot the differences. Make a list of the differences between you and the person who...
The best version of yourself? This is the time to begin your journey.
10/6/20201. Be yourself. One of the most popular (and worst) pieces of management advice is to find a role model to imitate. This advice works against you from day one. Instead of acknowledging your unique abilities and talents, using a role...
Why is it so hard for us to hire top performers?
06/23/2020It seems like hiring top performers has gotten almost impossibly challenging. No doubt, the furious pace of global business is a big contributor, with demand for top performers climbing all of the time.
Discover your hidden potential
06/4/2020Successful career goals for managers require that we constantly improve ourselves, whether it’s how to increase productivity, run our meetings, or manage our teams. The good news about always improving is that we end up with super...
Handling crisis productively
04/7/2020Surf any media channel today and one word is surely to appear: “crisis”. Most people around the world agree we’re in the midst of a crisis. So we’re all good at using the word “crisis,” but...
Do we really need time to get things done?
04/1/2020As leaders, we’ve encountered this anomaly repeatedly:
When I have little time, I get a lot done, but when I have a lot of time, I get less done.
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