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Are you really
promotion material?

Fill in this short survey to find out:

  • 1. Have you requested a promotion in the last year?
  • 2. Have you ever been rejected for a promotion?
  • 3. Have you ever been offered a promotion?
  • 4. Has a co-worker at the same level ever been promoted instead of you?
  • 5. Has there ever been a position you applied for and didn’t get?
  • 6. Are you hesitant about asking for a promotion for fear of your boss’s response?
  • 7. Have you ever left an organization because you were passed up for promotion there?
  • 8. Do you know if your work environment values you and your work?
  • 9. Do you think that you deserve a promotion?
  • 10. Do you promote your work and yourself at work?
Get your results directly to your email:
** Please answer all questions **

Coaching for Change: Promises We Can and Cannot Make

Clients often ask me: "Can you guarantee results?" They might want coaching to improve a manager's decision-making or increase team productivity. And they seek certainty of specific outcomes.

But change doesn't work like that. It's a journey, not a destination - an inner path of discovery with twists and turns. It requires digging deep to understand resistance and fear. Only then can we dismantle them, brick by brick.

That's why I don’t guarantee results. But what I do promise is commitment to the process - a commitment to identifying obstacles to growth and searching for the appropriate solutions.

What do you think? How do you prefer to approach change in your practices? I'd love to hear your perspectives!


And always remember:

Great managers are made. Not born.

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