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Are you really
promotion material?

Fill in this short survey to find out:

  • 1. Have you requested a promotion in the last year?
  • 2. Have you ever been rejected for a promotion?
  • 3. Have you ever been offered a promotion?
  • 4. Has a co-worker at the same level ever been promoted instead of you?
  • 5. Has there ever been a position you applied for and didn’t get?
  • 6. Are you hesitant about asking for a promotion for fear of your boss’s response?
  • 7. Have you ever left an organization because you were passed up for promotion there?
  • 8. Do you know if your work environment values you and your work?
  • 9. Do you think that you deserve a promotion?
  • 10. Do you promote your work and yourself at work?
Get your results directly to your email:
** Please answer all questions **

The AI Revolution: How Artificial intelligence Can Transform Leadership

AI is transforming how we live and work at an astounding pace. A 2023 study by the University of Pennsylvania explores AI's impact on the future of work, catalyzing major workforce changes. I’m seeing this firsthand as many of my coaching clients already utilize AI tools in their leadership roles, helping them streamline processes, enhancing productivity and effectiveness.


In my practice as a leadership coach, I'm fascinated by AI's potential for empowering leaders and optimizing management. I'm constantly learning about emerging AI capabilities that can support my clients now and in the future.


What about you?

  • Do you currently use any AI tools in your practice? If so, which ones?

  • How have these AI tools increased your efficiency or impact?

  • What opportunities or concerns do you see for AI in coaching practices?


In upcoming posts, I'll share more of my hands-on experience with AI and thoughts on how it can help elevate leaders. I welcome an open dialogue on how we can harness AI to benefit our clients and their organizations.

And always remember:

Great managers are made. Not born.



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